Find likely translation errors using static source code analysis. We look into a series of R source files and identify all calls to t_ and examine the key and interpolation data used within these calls.

lint_translations(path, obj, language = NULL, root = NULL, title = NULL)

lint_translations_package(root, language = NULL)



Path to the translations to test. This can be a character vector of file names and directory names - directory names are expanded (non-recursively) to find all .R files.


A translator object, or `NULL`. If `NULL`, then the report will indicate only strings that might be translated vs bare strings, rather than check the likely success of translation.


Optional language to use as the language to lint. Each language must be at present linted separately


A root directory, below which the files in path will be treated relatively (e.g., pass a package's root directory here, and then set path = "R"). Using this shortens the reported filenames considerably


An optional title that will be used in reporting


A lint_translations object, which can be passed through to lint_translations_report


This will expand in future and is currently quite limited. Currently, only calls to t_() are inspected - not calls to $t() in a translator object, not calls to $replace etc. The package and name arguments to t_() are also currently ignored, which will lead to spurious errors. A version of this that automatically works for packages will also be written. The key and interpolation data must (currently) be literals - you cannot save the key or data as a variable and pass that by variable name.

The function lint_translations_package is a wrapper around lint_translations to make working with a package a bit easier. It's a bit flakey at the moment because the translator will be loaded from the currently installed package, but the usage will be checked in the source tree. This will be addressed in a future version (see reside-90)